Recognizing the region’s need to scale up the naval science and engineering workforce, UConn and URI have teamed up to create a major regional workforce initiative directed to undergraduate engineering students. The Southeast New England Naval STEM Coalition leverages resources at the two campuses and draws on industry and navy partners to deliver naval-relevant training.This Undergraduate Navy Crew will receive mentoring by Navy professionals and naval industry engineers, be exposed to the naval industry through a three semester seminar course, and conduct meaningful work in a year-long Senior Design Project at the direction of navel industries.
Each semester since Spring 2018, The UConn/URI collaborative Naval Science & Technology (Navy STEM) STEM program has hosted a weekly seminar series. The program seeks to engage undergraduate engineering students in naval related activities throughout their academic programs and spark their interest in pursuing naval related careers. Speakers from a wide variety of companies have shared details of their technical expertise, reflected on their personal career paths and provided information about career opportunities within their organization.