University of Connecticut
Workforce Development
NIUVT Scholars
Research Capabilities
Technology Transition
NIUVT Newsletter
Research Facilities
University of Connecticut Facilities
FEI Center for Advanced Microscopy and Materials Analysis
Refine: Zeiss Center of Excellence
Innovation Partnership Building
C2E2: Center for Clean Energy Engineering
Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Drives Laboratory
Institute of Materials Science
NSF I/UCRC Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature (HV/T) Materials and Structures (HVT)
Electrical Insulation Research Center
UTC Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering
Comcast Center of Excellence for Security Innovation
Structural Vibration and Shock Laboratory
Robotics and Controls Laboratory
LINKS Laboratory
Human Performance Laboratory
Biodynamics Laboratory
Biodevices Laboratory
Machine Shop
High Performance Computing
University of Rhode Island Facilities
College of Engineering Facilities
Dynamic Photomechanics Laboratory
Micro and Nanoscale Energy Laboratory
Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory,
Colloid and Surface Science Laboratory
Sensors and Surfaces Technology Partnership
Rhode Island Consortium for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (RIN2)
Computational Intelligence and Self Adaptive Systems (CISA) Laboratory
Digital Forensics and Cyber Security Center
Next Generation Sensing Technology Lab
Sustainable Innovative Solutions (SIS) Laboratory
Driving Simulation Laboratory
Transducer Calibration Facility
Ocean Engineering Facilities and Laboratories
Wave and Towing Tank
Rolling Hills Research Model 1520 Flow Visualization Recirculating Water Channel
Coastal class UNOLS vessel R/V Endeavor,
Active ocean-going research programs across the Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans
Marine robotic assets