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About Us

NIUVT leverages major naval resources across southeast New England to develop and accelerate the transition of innovative technologies to the US undersea fleet.

Our Mission

The Institute collaborates with Navy and industry organizations to bring new technologies and manufacturing processes to submarine and undersea vehicle acquisition programs. The partnership will ensure a continuous flow of technologies to promote US superiority in the undersea environment.

The Institute:

  1. Promotes collaborative development of naval technologies that enable superior performance and/ or cost reduction
  2. Accelerates technology development and transition
  3. Helps build a technically competent and innovative next generation workforce
  4. Identifies emerging technology concepts for future undersea applications

Our Region

Southeast New England comprises a critical region for the Navy and US undersea vehicle industry. The region is home to a strategic cluster of resources that promotes advanced undersea technology capabilities for the Navy. The region is an advanced manufacturing community for shipbuilding and is home to General Dynamics/Electric Boat—the Navy’s primary supplier of submarines—and approximately 600 naval supply chain companies. The University of Connecticut and the University of Rhode Island are major public universities that perform extensive research programs for the Navy and contribute hundreds of graduates to the Navy and naval industries. Naval assets in the region include the New London Submarine Base, the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), and the US Naval War College.

Our Partnership

The Institute has united major regional industry, university, and naval entities to promote undersea technology capabilities. Our partnership includes:

  • General Dynamics/ Electric Boat
  • University of Rhode Island
  • University of Connecticut
  • Hundreds of supply chain companies

NUWC has assisted the Institute in establishing research, technology implementation, and workforce development initiatives that are responsive to naval priorities.