Effects of Combined Depth Pressure and Long Term Seawater Immersion on Structural Integrity of Composite Vehicles
The proposed experimental-numerical study will investigate the effects of combined extreme hydrostatic depth pressure and long term seawater submergence on the integrity and performance of composite materials and vehicles/payloads, specifically, the degrading effects of the severe environment. The emphasis will be on understanding the fundamental physical mechanisms of seawater ingression when combined with the driving force of deep ocean pressures, as well as identifying the adverse effects on the structural integrity of a naval payload when subjected to this combined loading environment.
PI: Arun Shukla
ONR, September 1, 2018 –August30, 2021, Total $500,000 (URI $320,000, NUWC 180,000)
Underwater Blast Injury Monitoring
Develop a piezoelectric textile that can capture underwater explosion pressure wave patterns to ultimately establish and recognize their injury risk severity classification. We shall initially assess the detection performance of the textile and its ability to capture an equivalent pressure wave pattern as compared to the non-textile piezoelectric sensor array
PI: Arun Shukla
STTR, Triton Systems Inc, 5-7-18 to 11-20-18, $45,000